New Eagle Scout Reminders

Eagle Scout Court of Honor

The Eagle Court of Honor cannot be scheduled until the Council received the Eagle Scout rank credentials from National.  However, you can start preparing for you Eagle Court of Honor. You can prepare an invitation list, and request letters of congratulation along with special recognition.

Please extend an invitation to the Eagle Board members. After approval from National and before you print any invitations, discuss the date, time and location with your Troop to avoid any conflicts

Eagle Scout Court of Honor Planning

Letters of Congratulation & Special Recognition

Eagle Scout Challenge (PDF Download)

Eagle Scout Charge - Honor, Loyal, and Courageous



Eagle Wall Submittal

Eagle Wall Submittal

National Eagle Scout Association (NESA)

NESA Membership

Eagle Palms

After your application for Eagle Scout has been validated by National Service Center, you will be entitled to receive an Eagle Palm for each additional five merit badges you have completed.  You may continue to earn additional Palms provided you have not reached age 18.

You can receive eagle palms every 3 months for each additional 5 merit badges you earn as long as you are a registered scouter and active in your unit.  (Bryan on Scouting)

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Please consider contacting your local news agency. Typical information requested:
Scout name, both parents names, neighborhood, grade and school attended. Troop number and sponsor, date and time of court of honor. Brief description of service project. You may be able to email the information along with jpg image.