If you are considering making a request for an extension please review each link throughly to have as much information needed to properly guide you on what type of information is needed in the request letter. (All Items in Blue are Hot-Links)
Temporary Advancement Extension Guidelines
Due to the complexities of the current situation surrounding COVID-19, effective immediately the National Advancement Committee has issued new guidelines and rules governing advancement extensions for Scouts, Sea Scouts, and Venturers working on the Eagle Scout Rank, Quartermaster Award, or the Summit Award. These guidelines are temporary, and it is strongly suggested that you familiarize yourself with these guidelines.
– Updated Dec 29, 2020 Approval for Special Needs Eagle Candidates Over Age 18
Individuals age 18 and older, properly approved by the council executive board to register beyond the age of eligibility, may apply for the Eagle Scout rank. Since they are considered youth members for as long as they are so registered, they do not need a time extension; nor is special permission needed for an Eagle Scout board of review that is held more than three months after the 18th birthday. A letter from an advancement committee or Scout executive, indicating the member is 18 or older and registered with a disability code, must accompany the Eagle Scout application. If the candidate is not so registered, but should be, then the procedures under “Registering Qualified Members Beyond Age of Eligibility,”, must be followed.
Eagle Scout candidates who have disabilities but who do not qualify for registration beyond the age of eligibility must complete all requirements before the 18th birthday. In some cases, however, they may qualify for an extension of time. See “Time Extensions,” Time Extensions
If you forsee that, due to nofault or choice of the scout, thats its not possible to compete the Eagle Scout rank requirements before age 18, you may apply for a limited time extension. (Note: These are rarely granted and reserved only for work on Eagle. Process for Submitting & Evaluating an Extension Request
The local council does not grant or deny time extensions. These are granted only through the National Advancement Program Team after consideration of local council recommendations.
- The Scout, the Scout’s parent or guardian, the unit leader, or a member of the unit committee may file the request. It is preferred that the request be made in the form of a letter that is signed and dated by the author.
- The Request (letter) is sent to the council service center to the attention of the council’s designated appeals coordinator.
It is preferred that requests be submitted before the 18th birthday or, if not, the reason for the delay is stated.
The request must indicate the number of months after the 18th birthday that will be necessary to complete the requirements.
The request letter should include contact information for the persons with knowledge of this case. (Council will need to contact to obtain written statements or interview summaries). Suggestions include Scout Leader, Medical Professionals, and Church/School teachers if they have knowledge of this case.
5 Steps in the Process
It is understood that any extension request is time sensitive
1. Be as prompt as possible in submitting.
2. Prepare a request letter (signed and dated)
Include details and include contact information for persons with Knowledge of case
3. Include any documentation that supports the case
4. Place in Envelope
Write (“Time SensItive Material – Confidential”)
on front of sealed envelope.
5. Address Envelope:
Greater Alabama Council
Designated Appeals Coordinator
516 Liberty Parkway
Birmingham, AL 35242
The Form below will be filled out and processed by the Council
The Request for Extension form (Appendix is prepared by the council after they have completed their review..